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Global marketing and advertising : understanding cultural paradoxes / Marie...

Livre | De Mooij, Marieke K. (1943-....). Auteur | 2018 - 5th edition.

Consumer behavior and culture : consequences for global marketing and adver...

Livre | De Mooij, Marieke K. (1943-....). Auteur | 2019 - 3e édition

La 4è de couv. indique : ""Marketing and advertising theories tend to reflect the national culture of their author, and to assume a population of global consumers. In this book, Marieke de Mooij, an experienced world pioneer in t...

Consumer behavior and culture : consequences for global marketing and adver...

Livre | De Mooij, Marieke K. (1943-....). Auteur | 2011 - 2nd edition

Du même sujet

Consumer behavior and culture : consequences for global marketing and adver...

Livre | De Mooij, Marieke K. (1943-....). Auteur | 2011 - 2nd edition

Consumer behavior and culture : consequences for global marketing and adver...

Livre | De Mooij, Marieke K. (1943-....). Auteur | 2019 - 3e édition

La 4è de couv. indique : ""Marketing and advertising theories tend to reflect the national culture of their author, and to assume a population of global consumers. In this book, Marieke de Mooij, an experienced world pioneer in t...

The Cambridge handbook of consumer psychology / edited by Michael I. Norton...

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Marketing management / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller et Alexander Cherne...

Livre | Kotler, Philip (1931-....). Auteur | 2022 - 16e edition

The 16th edition of Marketing Management builds on the classic examples, core concepts, and logical structure that made the first edition a landmark text. Much has changed since the 15th edition was published. Ongoing globalizatio...

Le comportement du consommateur / Joël Brée

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