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Du même auteur

The right sensory mix : targeting consumer product development scientifical...

Livre | Derval, Diana (19..-....). Auteur | 2010

"The Right Sensory Mix" by Diana Derval contains a groundbreaking scientific method for businesses to understand and predict consumers’ behavior and product preferences. Many companies fail to acknowledge disparities observed amon...

Hormones, talent, and career : unlock your hormonal quotient / Diana Derval...

Livre | Derval, Diana (19..-....). Auteur | 2012

The media now regularly feature breakthroughs on the influence of prenatal hormones on the brain and behavior, for instance the link to financial performance or risk management. Based on these findings and their own experiments, t...

Designing luxury brands : the science of pleasing customers' senses / Diana...

Livre | Derval, Diana (19..-....). Auteur | 2018

Du même sujet

Communication des entreprises : stratégies et pratiques / Liliane Demont-Lu...

Livre | 2006 - [2e édition]

Optimiser communication et publicité pour les PME-PMI / Hervé Ghannad

Livre | Ghannad, Hervé (1958-....). Auteur | 2004

Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications / Kenneth E...

Livre | Clow, Kenneth E. (19..-....). Auteur | 2012 - 5th ed., Global ed.

Marketing communications : integrating online and offline, customer engagem...

Livre | Smith, Paul Russell (1957-....). Auteur | 2020 - Seventh edition.

La quatrième de couverture indique : "The integration of online and offline marketing techniques is central to modern marketing practice. Companies can no longer compete if their digital and traditional marketing operate in silos...

Le marketing 3.0 / Samuel Mayol

Livre | Mayol, Samuel (1972-....). Auteur | 2011

Marketing communications : a European perspective / Patrick De Pelsmacker, ...

Livre | De Pelsmacker, Patrick (1957-....). Auteur | 2007 - Fourth edition

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