Digital influence on consumer habits : marketing challenges and opportuniti...
Readers will learn service quality, peer pressure, online reviewers' effect in the digital environment to aid in understanding the various risks and challenges involved in the digital environment, with examples of changing busines...
Experiential marketing : consumer behavior, customer experience and the 7Es...
Livre | Batat, Wided (19..-....). Auteur | 2019
In this this book, Wided Batat introduces the concept of the 7Es (Experience, Exchange, Extension, Emphasis, Empathy, Emotional touchpoints, Emic/Etic process), a tool that focuses on the consumer as a starting point in marketing ...
Alternatives marketing : réponses marketing aux évolutions récentes des con...
Livre | Cova, Véronique. Auteur | 2001
Le consommateur digital : les nouvelles approches pour le séduire / Nicolas...
Livre | Riou, Nicolas (19..-....). Auteur | 2016
Marketing research : an applied orientation / Naresh K. Malhotra,...