Handbook of marketing scales : multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research / [edited by] William O. Bearden,... Richard G. Netemeyer,... Kelly L. Haws,..


Bearden, William O. (1945-). Éditeur scientifique | Netemeyer, Richard G. (1956-). Éditeur scientifique | Haws, Kelly L. (19..-....). Éditeur scientifique

Edité par Sage publications - 2011 - Third edition

The Handbook of Marketing Scales, Third Edition represents a clear, concise, and easy-to-use compilation of multi-item, self-report measures developed and/or frequently used in consumer behavior and marketing research.

Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Traits and Individual Difference Variables. Chapter 3: Values and goals. Chapter 4: Involvement, Information Processing, and Affect. Chapter 5: Reactions to Advertising Stimuli. Chapter 6: Attitudes About the Performance of Business Firms, Satisfaction and Post-Purchase Behavior, Social Agencies, and the Marketplace. Chapter 7: Sales, Sales Management, Organizational Behavior, and Interfirm-Intrafirm Issues..

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