Personality, design and marketing : matching design to customer personal preferences / edited by Gloria Moss


Edité par Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group - 2017 - [First edition]

"It is a marketing truism that products should be shaped around the preferences of customers, not designers, and that a design or advert that is effective with one personality type may not be effective with another. Since purchasing intent can be increased by providing products that appeal to particular types of customers, an understanding of the impact of personality on design will help maximise the effectiveness of design and advertising efforts. Gloria Moss brings together contributions from leading experts in academia and industry, including Professor Judi Harris, Dr Ceri Sims, Professor Paul Springer, Holly Buchanan and the late Bill Wylie. This book reveals the extent to which design and advertising effectiveness can be improved through an understanding of the personalities of a range of stakeholders. While the impact of demographic factors (age, class, geographical location) is the object of considerable research, the impact of personality on production and preference aesthetics has been greatly overlooked. It is only by grouping together research conducted on diverse fields that a larger picture of the impact of personality on design production and preference aesthetics can be constructed. Personality, Design and Marketing will be of great interest to those who would like to see the effectiveness of design and marketing enhanced, whether it is those working in the area of design, or marketing or general management. It shows the extent to which preferences vary according to personality and the limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach to design"--The publisher

Introduction : overview of the book. Contributor biographies. Personality theories / Ceri Sims. Personality encoded in graphic expression. Graphic expression and personality / Gloria Moss. Inferring personality from drawings / Bill Wylie. Personality as reflected in creatives' adverts / Jim Blythe. Personality communicated in children's digital and non-digital drawings : inferences for marketing research / Judi Harris. Preferences are for design and marketing that mirror the observer's personality. Personality : its impact on design and advertising preferences / Gloria Moss. Ensuring a match between the words on a website and the personality of web visitors / Holly Buchanan. Matching website and audience personalities : the case of music artist marketing / Paul Springer. How organisations can create the right environment for personality-sensitive design / Gloria Moss.

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