International Business / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
Livre | Czinkota, Michael R.. Auteur | 2005
Rigorously updated international business textbook by a global author team, which balances conceptual understanding of business theory and the day-to-day realities of business practice. Includes a suite of new cases studies and up...
Marketing : best practices / Michael R. Czinkota [and others]
Livre | Czinkota, Michael R.. Auteur | 2000
Introduction to marketing. The marketing environment and social responsibility. International marketing. Marketing research and information systems. Consumer behavior. Business-to-business marketing. Market segmentation and target...
International marketing / Michael Czinkota, Ilkka Ronkainen, Gilbert Zvobgo
Livre | Czinkota, Michael R.. Auteur | 2011
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La quatrième de couverture indique : "Globalization is the growing interdependence of national economies - involving primarily customers, producers, suppliers and governments in different markets. Global marketing therefore refle...
International marketing / Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy
"International Marketing and Export Management 8e offers an accessible state-of-the-art text in international marketing. The book covers the evolving internationally competitive landscape that almost all firms and consumers find t...
Global marketing : a decision-oriented approach / Svend Hollensen
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