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Essentials of food science / Vickie A. Vaclavik,... Elizabeth W. Christian,...
Edité par Springer. New York - 2008 - 3rd edition
Evaluation of food quality. Water. Carbohydrates in food : an introduction. Starches in food. Pectins and Gums. Grains : cereal, flour, rice, and pasta. Vegetables and fruits. Proteins in food : an introduction. Meat, poultry, fish, and dried beans. Eggs and egg products. Milk and milk products. Fat and oil products. Food emulsions and foams. Sugars, sweeteners, and confections. Baked products : batters and dough. Food safety. Food preservation and processing. Food additives. Packaging of food products. Government regulation of the food supply and labeling. Appendix A: Biotechnology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Appendix B: Functional foods. Appendix C: Nutraceuticals. Appendix D: Phytochemicals. Appendix E: Medical foods. Appendix F: USDA food pyramid. Appendix G: Food label health claims. Appendix H: Research chefs association certification as a culinary scientist and more. Appendix I: Human nutrigenomics.
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