Can a health care market be moral? : a Catholic vision / Mary J. McDonough


McDonough, Mary J.. Auteur

Edité par Georgetown University Press - 2007

"Drawing on Catholic social teachings from St. Augustine to Pope John Paul II, McDonough reviews health system successes and failures from around the world and assesses market approaches to health care as proposed by leading economists such as Milton Friedman, Regina Herzlinger, Mark Pauly, and Alain Enthoven. Balancing aspects of these proposals with Daniel Callahan's value-dimension approach, McDonough offers a Catholic vision of health care in the United States that allows for some market mechanisms while promoting justice and concern for the least advantaged."

Justice in Catholic social thought. Catholic social thought on capitalism and health care. Health care economic theory, market mechanisms, and health outcomes. The market organization approach to health care. The value dimension approach to health care. A Catholic vision of health care.

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