Contemporary Catholic health care ethics / David F. Kelly, Gerard Magill, Henk ten Have


Kelly, David F.. Auteur

Edité par Georgetown University Press. Washington, DC - 2013

Religion and health care. The dignity of human life. The integrity of the human person. The implications for health care. Theological principles in health care ethics. The levels and questions of ethics. Freedom and the moral agent. Right and wrong. Metaethics. Method in Catholic medical ethics. Catholic method and birth control. The principle of double effect. Forgoing treatment, pillar one: ordinary and extraordinary means. Forgoing treatment, pillar two: killing and allowing to die. Forgoing treatment, pillar three: decisions by competent patients. Forgoing treatment, pillar three: decisions for incompetent patients. Forgoing treatment, pillar three: advance directives. Hydration and nutrition. Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Medical futility. Pain and pain management. Ethics committees. Research ethics. Organizational ethics. Embryonic stem cells and the beginning of personhood. Genetic engineering: ethics and anthropology. Specific issues in genetics. Allocating health care resources. The use and misuse of the allocation argument. Global bioethics.

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