Marketing des services / Christopher Lovelock,... Jochen Wirtz,... Denis La...
Livre | Lovelock, Christopher H. (1940-2008). Auteur | 2004 - 5e édition
Services marketing : people, technology, strategy / Christopher Lovelock, J...
Livre | Lovelock, Christopher H. (1940-2008). Auteur | 2004 - 5th international edition
Services marketing : people, technology, strategy / Christopher Lovelock,.....
Livre | Lovelock, Christopher H. (1940-2008). Auteur | 2011 - 7th edition
Services marketing, once a tiny academic field championed by just a handful of pioneering professors, has become a thriving area of activity. Paralleling growing research efforts in both academia and business is increased student ...
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Digital influence on consumer habits : marketing challenges and opportuniti...
Readers will learn service quality, peer pressure, online reviewers' effect in the digital environment to aid in understanding the various risks and challenges involved in the digital environment, with examples of changing busines...
Marketing research : an applied orientation / Naresh K. Malhotra,...
Supply Chain Management introduces high-level strategy and concepts while giving students the practical tools necessary to solve supply chain problems. Using a strategic framework, students are guided through all of the key driver...
Marketing management / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller et Alexander Cherne...
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The 16th edition of Marketing Management builds on the classic examples, core concepts, and logical structure that made the first edition a landmark text. Much has changed since the 15th edition was published. Ongoing globalizatio...
Auditer l'éthique et la qualité : pour un développement durable ! / Jean-Lu...
How brands grow : what marketers don't know / Byron Sharp
Livre | Sharp, Byron. Auteur | 2010
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