Health care ethics : a theological analysis / Benedict M. Ashley,... Kevin D. O'Rourke,...


Ashley, Benedict (1915-2013). Auteur | O'Rourke, Kevin David (1927-2012). Auteur

Edité par Georgetown University Press - 1997 - 4th ed.

pt. 1. The health seeker: 1. On being human. 2. Health and disease. 3. Personal responsibility for health. pt. 2. The healing profession: Response of the community to the health needs of persons: 4. The health care profession. 5. Personalizing the health care profession. 6. Social organization of health care. pt. 3. The logic of bioethical decisions: 7. The logic of bioethical decisions. 8. Norms of Christian decision making in bioethics. pt. 4.: DIfficult bioethical decisions: 9. Artificial reproduction, Fetal testing, Abortion. 10. Conception control, Contraception, and natural family planning. 11. Reconstructing and modifying the function of the human body. 12. Neurological and psychological therapy of mental illness. 13. Suffering and death. pt. 5. Persona. ministry in health care: 14. Pastoral care and ethical decisions.

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