Military medical ethics in contemporary armed conflict : mobilizing medicine in the pursuit of just war / Michael L. Gross


Gross, Michael L. (1954-....). Auteur

Edité par Oxford University press - 2021

La 4e de couv. indique : "Integrating the ethics of medicine and the ethics of war, Military Medical Ethics in Contemporary Armed Conflict offers theorists and practitioners, clinicians and commanders the tools they need to distribute scarce medical resources in wartime. Emphasizing that military medicine's goal is to maintain unit readiness and the force capabilities necessary to wage just war, Michael L. Gross instructs readers on when and how compatriot and host nation warfighters, local civilians, detainees, and veterans should receive medical attention. Readers will see how medicine functions also as a weapon of war. To this end, military forces deploy medical care to win local hearts and minds and harness medical science to enhance war fighter capabilities."

The Principles of Military Medical Ethics. Patient Rights and Practitioner Duties. Moral Reasoning in Military Medical Ethics. Military Medicine in Contemporary Armed Conflict : Iraq and Afghanistan Revisited. Combat Casualty Care. Detainees and Prisoners of War. Care and Compensation for Civilian Victims of War. Military Medical Research and Experimentation. Warfighter Enhancement : Research and Technology. Medical Diplomacy and the Battle for Hearts and Minds. Post-War Health Reconstruction. Veteran Healthcare.

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