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Du même sujet

Health care in contexts of risk, uncertainty, and hybridity / Daniel Messel...


This book sheds light on various ethical challenges military and humanitarian health care personnel (HCP) face while working in adverse conditions. Contexts of armed conflict, hybrid wars or other forms of violence short of war, a...

Military medical ethics in contemporary armed conflict : mobilizing medicin...

Livre | Gross, Michael L. (1954-....). Auteur | 2021

La 4e de couv. indique : "Integrating the ethics of medicine and the ethics of war, Military Medical Ethics in Contemporary Armed Conflict offers theorists and practitioners, clinicians and commanders the tools they need to distri...

The Oxford handbook of bioethics / edited by Bonnie Steinbock

Livre | 2007

The protection of fundamental ethical principles in international research ...

Livre | Salvi, Maurizio. Directeur de publication | 2012

Bioethics / edited by Justin Oakley

Livre | 2009

Bioethics as practice / Judith Andre

Livre | Andre, Judith. Auteur | 2002

Annotation. Writing as a participant in the bioethics field, Andre offers a model to unify its diversity. Using the term "bioethics" broadly, to include all the medical humanities, she articulates ideals for the field, identifies ...

Du même domaine

Rapport général des activités : 1998-2000 / du Groupe européen d'éthique de...

Livre | 2001

Rapport général des activités : 2000-2005 / du Groupe européen d'éthique de...

Livre | 2005

Puissances technologiques et éthique de la décision : [journée d'études du ...

Livre | Capelle-Dumont, Philippe (1954-....). Directeur de publication | 2019

Study on the patenting of inventions related to human stem cell research / ...

Livre | 2002

Médecine et biologie : quelle logique ? / Michel Delsol,... Louis F. Perrin...

Livre | Delsol, Michel (1922-2012). Auteur | 2000

The protection of fundamental ethical principles in international research ...

Livre | Salvi, Maurizio. Directeur de publication | 2012

Chargement des enrichissements...