International society, global polity : an introduction to international political theory / Chris Brown


Brown, Chris (1945-....). Auteur

Edité par Sage. Los Angeles, Calif. - 2015

This book provides an overview of the current state of the art in International Political Theory (IPT). It offers a coherent account of the field of IPT, placing both traditional and modern work in a clear and logical framework. The text moves from conventional accounts of the society of states to non-state-centric understandings of global politics. The first part covers international law, war, human rights and humanitarianism. The second part looks at the new human rights regime, the responsibility to protect, the ethics of war and global justice. Each chapter includes annotated reading lists, highlighting directions you can take to further your reading. International Society, Global Polity is perfect for students taking courses on International Political Theory, International Theory, Global Ethics and Global Justice.

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