Practical judgement in international political theory : selected essays / Chris Brown


Brown, Chris (1945-....). Auteur

Edité par Routledge. London, New York - 2010

Introduction. The modern requirement : reflections on normative theory in a post-Western world. Ethics of co-existence. International theory and international society : the viability of the middle way. Universal human rights: a critique. Towards a neo-aristotelian resolution of the communitarian cosmopolitan debate. Cultural diversity and international political theory. The construction of a "realistic utopia" : John Rawls and international political theory. Not my department? : normative theory and international relations. Hegel and international ethics. "Turtles all the way down" : antifoundationalism, critical theory and international relations. Liberalism and the globalisation of ethics. Tragedy, tragic choices and international political theory. Cosmopolitanism, world citizenship and global civil society. On morality, self-interest and foreign policy. Selective humanitarianism : in defence of inconsistency. Practical judgement and the ethics of pre-emption. Bob Dylan, Live Aid, and the politics of popular cosmopolitanism.

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