Crafting qualitative research : working in the postpositivist traditions / Pushkala Prasad


Prasad, Pushkala. Auteur

Edité par M.E. Sharpe. Armonk, N.Y. - 2005

"Courses in management research have traditionally focused on quantitative techniques, and no available text adequately covers the many different perspectives within the qualitative model or shows which qualitative techniques work best in different settings. ''Crafting Qualitative Research'' fills this need. In clear and readable prose, this comprehensive text offers a detailed guide to the rich diversity of qualitative research traditions, with examples and applications specifically designed for the field of management. Each of the book's four main sections includes a descriptive ''tree'' diagram that lays out the historical origins of that section's traditions. Each chapter is devoted to a specific methodology and includes historical origins and development; techniques and applications; current controversies and emerging issues; and a summary box highlighting that method's utility. With its detailed and easy-to-understand coverage, this will be the text of choice for any instructor who wants to include the qualitative approach in a research methods course, as well as a useful resource for anyone doing research in the post-positivist traditions."--PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE

Introduction : qualitative research as craft : post positivist traditions and research styles. Symbolic interactionism : searching for self and meaning. Hermeneutics : the interpretations of texts. Dramaturgy and dramatism : social life as theater and stage. Ethnomethodology : the accomplishment of ordinary lives. Ethnography : cultural understandings of natives. Semiotics : the grammar of social reality. Historical materialism : class, conflict, and domination. Critical theory : hegemony, knowledge production and communicative action. Feminism : gender as the core social principle. Structuration and praxeology : transcending dualisms within frameworks of power. Postmodernism : playing with images and the 'truth'. Poststructuralism : discourse, discipline, and deconstruction. Postcolonialism : unpacking and resisting imperialism. Conclusion : tradition, improvisation, and quality control.

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