Doing social research / Leonard Cargan


Cargan, Leonard. Auteur

Edité par Rowman & Littlefield Publishers - 2007

"Doing Social Research is an easy-to-understand guidebook that gives an introduction to the social research process. This book presents the various topics of social research in the outline form of all sociological research articles: starting with an introduction to the problem being researched, why the problem was chosen, and the theoretical premises of the chosen topic, then progressing to the methods utilized to collect the data, the analysis of the data, and the presentation of the material. By following the research outline, the book provides a concise overview of the most important elements of social research, and synopses of thirteen classic studies introduce readers to the early pioneers of social research."--Jacket

The scientific method. Designing the research project. The conceptual framework. The research proposal. Collecting data. Collecting the data: utilizing the survey. Collecting the data: making scientific observations. Collecting the data: conducting an experiment. Collecting the data: some special designs. Analyzing the data: some important questions. Analyzing the data: some important tools. Concluding the study. Appendixes.

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