Mobile and ubiquitous media : critical and international perspectives / edited by Michael S. Daubs and Vincent R. Manzerolle


Edité par Peter Lang - 2018

What does the phrase "ubiquitous media" actually mean? Individual definitions are just as varied and ubiquitous as the media to which they refer. As a result, there is to date no large-scale theoretical framework through which we can understand the term. The goal of this volume is to provide a diverse set of critical, theoretical, and international approaches useful to those looking for a more diverse and nuanced understanding of what ubiquitous media means analytically. In contrast to other existing texts on mobile media, these contributions on mobile media are contextualised within a larger discussion on the nature and history of ubiquitous media. Other sections of this edited volume are dedicated to historical perspectives on ubiquitous media, ubiquitous media and visual culture, the role of ubiquitous media in surveillance, the political economy of ubiquitous media, and the way a ubiquitous media environment affects communities, spaces, and places throughout the world. -- Publisher description

Introduction: from here to ubiquity / Michael S. Daubs and Vincent R. Manzerolle. Archaeologies: histories and futures of ubiquitous media. How we got here : the technologies and policies behind ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous media / Laura Steckman. The ubiquitous media war / Tanner Mirrlees. From contagion and revealing to recovery and healing : examining the lifecycle of ubiquitous control through the Sony/BMG rootkit / Eric Lehman. Mobilities : mobile devices, wearables, and locative media. Google street view and representational ubiquity / Aaron Shapiro. Wearable technology in the production, diffusion and active use of ubiquitous knowledge / Marco Centorrino and Sebastiano Nucera. Visualities : ubiquitous media and visual culture. Towards a new visuality of "mobile infography" : examining contemporary visual applications as new ways of seeing / Ana Rita Morais. Entrepreneurial journalism and ubiquitous media : considerations for digital labor / Maggie Reid. Youth practices online and offline : ubiquitous tools and meaningful contexts / Pilar Lacasa, Julián de la Fuente, and Katiuska Manzur. Everywhere and nowhere, simultaneously : theorizing the ubiquitous, immaterial, post-digital photograph / Kris Belden-Adams. Economies : critical political economy perspectives. Ubiquitous media and monopolies of knowledge : the approach of Harold Innis / Edward Comor. The mediated experiences of our everyday/everynight lives : notes from a case study on digital labor / Susan Bryant. Localities and communities : spaces, places and time. Push narratives : ubiquitous mobile news and participatory local media in Himalayan India / Jacqueline H. Fewkes and Abdul Nasir Khan. Towards journalism everywhere : the new opportunities and challenges of real-time news streams in Finland / Turo Uskali. Surveillances : privacy, surveillance and ubiquitous media. "Framelessness," or the cultural logic of big data / Mark Andrejevic. The relationship between ubiquitous media and surveillance of dissent from the civil rights movement to black lives matter / Sarah Harney. Ubiquitous emotion analytics and how we feel today / Susan Currie Sivek.

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