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Du même sujet

Leading the revolution / Gary Hamel

Livre | Hamel, Gary (1954-....). Auteur | 2002 - Edition revue et augmentée

Facing up to the revolution. The end of progress; Facing up to strategy decay. Finding the revolution. Business concept innovation; Be your own seer. Igniting the revolution. Corporate rebels; Go ahead! Revolt!. Sustaining the rev...

The Oxford handbook of innovation / edited by Jan Fagerberg, David C. Mower...

Livre | Fagerberg, Jan (1951-....). Éditeur scientifique | 2005

Good to great : why some companies make the leap... and others don't / Jim ...

Livre | Collins, James Charles (1958-....). Auteur | 2001

The innovator's DNA : mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators / ...

Livre | Dyer, Jeffrey H.. Auteur | 2011

"Some people are just natural innovators, right? With no apparent effort, they discover ideas for new products, services, and entire businesses. It may look like innovators are born, not made. But according to Jeffrey Dyer and Hal...

Creativity for innovation management / Ina Goller and John Bessant

Livre | Goller, Ina. Auteur | 2017

Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship across cultures : theory and p...

Livre | 2016

The aim of this volume is to further develop the relationship between culture and manifold phenomena of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in order to promote further and better understanding how, why, and when these phen...

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