Seeing what's next : using the theories of innovation to predict industry change / Clayton M. Christensen, Scott D. Anthony, Erik A. Roth


Christensen, Clayton M. (1952-2020). Auteur | Anthony, Scott D.. Auteur | Roth, Erik A.. Auteur

Edité par Harvard Business School Press - 2004

Introduction. How to use theory to analyze. 1. Signals of change; where are the opportunities?. 2. Competitive battles: how to size up competitors. 3. Firm choices: identifying what choices matter. 4. Non-market factors influence innovation. Theory-based analysis. 5. Disruptive diplomas - the future of education. 6. Disruption spreads its wings - the future of aviation. 7. Whither Moore's law? - the future of semiconductors. 8. Healing the 800-pound gorilla - the future of health care. 9. Innovation overseas - using theory to assess corporate and country strategies. 10. Breaking the wire - the future of telecommunications. Conclusion: What's next.

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