Isaiah : part II / by Willem A. M. Beuken


Beuken, Wim (1931-....). Auteur

Edité par Peeters - 2000

La 4e de couverture porte : " The Historical Commentary on the Old Testament is an international series of commentaries which devotes explicit attention to the history of interpretation of biblical tradition in all its stages, both within and without the Hebrew canon. As the term 'Old Testament' indicates, the commentary stands in the Christian exegetical tradition. The team of those who committed themselves to contribute comprises scholars from all over the world and from many different churches and denominations. The commentary is intended not only for Old Testament scholars, but also for ministers and other interested parties. The treatment of every pericope is preceded by a new translation and a section called 'Essentials and Perspectives' in which the author summarizes the results of the exegesis in non-technical language. The primacy here is assigned to the final stage of the text. The summary should incite the user to consult the main body of the exegesis which is headed 'Scholary Expositon'. Here the approach is that of modern critical scholarship. "

Vol. 2, Isaiah chapters 28-39.

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