Medical use of human beings : respect as a basis for critique of discourse, law and practice / Austen Garwood-Gowers.


Garwood-Gowers, Austen

Edité par Routledge. London - 2021

Whilst activities like transplantation and medical research have typically been considered on a discrete basis, they are also actually part of a broader phenomenon of medical means being employed to make use of human beings. This book is the first ever systematic critique of such medical use of the human being as a whole. It is divided into two parts. The first part considers what constitutes an appropriate normative lens through which to view such medical use and its constraint. It makes a reasoned ethical and human-rights-based case for preferring respect for human worth over any of the main alternative approaches that have been drawn on in specific contexts and outlines what this preference practically implies. The second part uses this respect-based lens to critique use discourse, law, and practice.

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