European political economy / edited by Manuela Moschella, Lucia Quaglia and Aneta Spendzharova.


Combining the key theoretical and empirical approaches of political economy and EU scholarship, this textbook is key reading for studying the European political economy. Drawing on theoretical debates and recent policy case studies, a team of expert editors and contributors help students apply theories and methods to real life issues in European political economy. This textbook offers a clear analysis of some of the most pressing challenges confronting Europe, such as the political impact of rising inequality, the functioning and the effects of Economic and Monetary Union, the future of the 'European' social model, the ongoing impact of Brexit, Europe's role in a changing global economy, and Europe's response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Key features: - Delivers a research-informed, yet reader friendly textbook on European Political Economy. - Establishes 4 key theoretical and methodological approaches, giving students the conceptual tools needed to examine the dynamic interactions between politics and economics in Europe. - Covers substantive issues in European Political Economy, including monetary and financial integration, welfare and labour, trade and development, migration, health and inequality, globalisation, and the environment. - Supports students' learning with 'key debate' boxes and case studies, helping students to apply theories and methods to real life issues. Digital formats and resources European Political Economy is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with links to further reading and links that offer extra learning support:

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