The haves and the have-nots : a brief and idiosyncratic history of global inequality / Branko Milanovic


Milanović, Branko (1953-....). Auteur

Edité par Basic Books - 2011

Unequal people : inequality among individuals within a nation. Romance and riches ; Anna Vronskaya ? ; Who was the richest person ever ? ; How unequal was the Roman Empire ? ; Was socialism egalitarian ? ; In what Parisian arrondissement should you live in the thirteenth century and today ? ; Who gains from fiscal redistribution ? ; Can several countries exist in one ? Will China survive in 2048 ? ; Two students of inequality : Vilfredo Pareto and Simon Kuznets. Unequal nations : inequality among countries in the world. Why was Marx led astray ? ; How unequal is today's world ? ; How much of your income is determined at birth ? ; Should the whole world be composed of gated communities ? ; Who are the Harraga ? ; The three generations of Obamas ; Did the world become more unequal during deglobalization ?. Unequal world : inequality among citizens in the world. Where in the global income distribution are you ? ; Does the world have a middle class ? ; How different are the United States and the European Union ? ; Why are Asia and Latin America mirror images of each other ? ; Do you want to know the winner before the game begins ? ; Income inequality and the Global Financial Crisis ; Did colonizers exploit as much as they could ? ; Why was Rawls indifferent to global inequality ? ; Geopolitics in light of (or enlightened by) economics.

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