Teaching medical professionalism / edited by Richard L. Cruess,..., Sylvia R. Cruess,..., Yvonne Steinert,...


Edité par Cambridge University Press - 2009

This is the only book available to provide guidance to those designing and implementing programs on teaching professionalism. It outlines the cognitive base of professionalism, provides a theoretical basis for teaching the subject, gives general principles for establishing programs at various levels (undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing professional development), and documents the experience of institutions who are leaders in the field

The cognitive base of professionalism / Sylvia R. Cruess and Richard L. Cruess. Educational theory and strategies for teaching and learning professionalism / Yvonne Steinert. Professionalism and the socialization of medical students / Frederic William Hafferty. Principles of designing a program for the teaching and learning of professionalism at the undergraduate level / Richard L. Cruess and Sylvia R. Cruess. Resident formation--a journey to authenticity: designing a residency program that educes professionalism / David C. Leach. Supporting teaching and learning of professionalism--changing the educational environment and students' "navigational skills" / Thomas S. Inui [and others]. Assessment and remediation in programs of teaching professionalism / Christine Sullivan and Louise Arnold. Developing professionalism across the generations / Sharon Johnston and Mark A. Peacock. Faculty development for teaching and learning professionalism / Yvonne Steinert. The relationship between teaching professionalism and licensing and accrediting bodies / Sir Donald Irvine. Educating the public about professionalism: from rhetoric to reality / Jordan J. Cohen and Linda L. Blank. Teaching professionalism in a traditional or organ-based curriculum / Erika Goldstein. Learning professionalism in a problem-based curriculum / Gillian Maudsley and Rev. David C.M. Taylor. Teaching professionalism and fostering professional values during residency: the McGill experience. Continuing professional development: a focus on professionalism / Dave Davis.

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