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Handbook on critical life issues / edited by Donald G. McCarthy,... , Edward J. Bayer,...
Edité par Pope John Center - 1982
pt. I: Persons: priceless and vulnerable. The person as known by reason and reflection. The person as known in the Bible and faith. Person-centered health care. The inviolability of each human life. Public opinion on life issues. A pastoral theology of suffering. pt. II: Critical issues at the beginning of human life. The beginning of a life and a person. Abortion in medicine & ethics. The law and abortion. pt. III: Critical issues in caring for human life. Patients' responsibilities and rights. Organ transplantation today. Suicde and euthanasia. Decision about prolonging life. Hard carses of prolonging life decisions. The law and withdrawing treatment. Withdrawing treatment in Catholic hospitals. Determining death by brain criteria.