Big data @ work : dispelling the myths, uncovering the opportunities / Thomas H. Davenport


Davenport, Thomas H. (1954-....). Auteur

Edité par Harvard Business School Publishing. Boston - 2014

This book will help you understand: (1) Why big data is important to you and your organization, (2) What technology you need to manage it, (3) How big data could change your job, your company, and your industry, (4) How to hire, rent, or develop the kinds of people who make big data work, (5) The key success factors in implementing any big data project, and (6) How big data is leading to a new approach to managing analytics. With dozens of company examples, including UPS, GE, Amazon, United Healthcare, Citigroup, and many others, this book will help you seize all opportunities--from improving decisions, products, and services to strengthening customer relationships. It will show you how to put big data to work in your own organization so that you too can harness the power of this ever-evolving new resource.

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