Public speaking / Michael Osborn, Suzanne Osborn


Osborn, Michael (1937-)

Edité par Houghton Mifflin. Boston - 2006 - 7th ed.

pt. I. The foundations of public speaking. 1. Public speaking and you. Personal benefits. Social benefits. Cultural benefits. Public speaking as communication. Public speaking as expanded conversation. Models of communication. Ethical public speaking. Respect for the integrity of ideas. Concern for listeners. 2. Managing your fear of speaking. Understanding communication anxiety. External factors. Internal factors. Presentation anxiety. Selective relaxation. Attitude adjustments. Visualization. Skills training. 3. Your first speech. Planning. Managing the impression you make. Competence. Integrity. Goodwill. Dynamism. Introducing yourself or a classmate : an application. 4. Becoming a better listener. Benefits of effective listening. Listening in the workplace. Listening in the classroom. Neglect of listening. The process of listening. Discriminative listening. Comprehensive listening. Empathic listening. Appreciative listening. Critical listening. Constructive listening. Overcoming barriers to effective listening. Developing critical listening skills. Evaluating evidence and information. Assessing the credibility of sources. Analyzing language use. Examining rhetorical strategies. Evaluating speeches. Substance. Structure. Presentation skills. Ethical responsibilities of a listener. pt. II. Preparation for public speaking. 5. Adapting to your audience and situation. Adapting to audience dynamics. Motivation. Attitude systems. Adjusting audience demographics (age, gender, educational level, group affiliations). Meeting the challenges of audience diversity. Stereotypes and bias. Ethnocentrism, sexism, and racism. Common ground. Adjusting to the communication situation (time, place, occasion, size of audience, context). 6. Finding your topic. What is a good topic?. Process of finding a good topic. Brainstorming. Interest charts. Media prompts. Exploring your topic area. Mind-mapping. Topic analysis. Refining your topic. Overview of topic selection process. Testing your topic selection : an application. 7. Researching your topic. Acquiring responsible knowledge. Personal knowledge and experience. Research in the library. Research on the Internet. Evaluating research materials. Conducting strategic research. Interviewing for information. Taking notes on your research. 8. Supporting your ideas. Facts and statistics. Testimony. Evaluating examples. Narratives. Three techniques for using supporting materials (comparison, contrast, analogy). Deciding what support material you should use. 9. Structuring your speech. Principles of good form. Simplicity. Balance. Order. Structuring the body of your speech. Using transitions. Introducing your message. Capturing attention. Establishing your credibility. Previewing your message. Developing an effective conclusion. 10. Outlining you speech. Developing a working outline. Developing a formal outline. Developing a key-word outline. pt. III. Developing presentation skills. 11. Presentation aids. People. Objects and models. Graphics. Pictures. Presentation media. Flip chart. Posters. Handouts. Chalk and marker boards. Transparencies and slides. Compact disks. Computer-assisted presentations. Preparing presentation aids. Using presentation aids. Ethical considerations for using presentation aids. 12. Using language effectively. The power of the spoken word. Six c's of language use (clarity, color, concreteness, correctness, conciseness, cultural sensitivity). Magnifying the power of language. Figurative language. Changing the order of the words. Exploiting the sounds of words. 13. Presenting your speech. Goal of integrated communication. Developing your voice (pitch, rate, loudness, variety, patterns of speaking). Developing your body language. Facial expression and eye contact. Movement and gestures. Personal appearance. Developing versatility in presentation. Impromptu speaking. Memorized text presentation. Reading from a manuscript. Extemporaneous speaking. Developing flexibility in special situations. Handling questions and answers. Video presentations. Practicing for presentation. pt. IV. Types of public speaking. 14. Informative speaking. Functions of informative speaking. Speeches of description. Speeches of demonstration. Speeches of explanation. Briefings. Helping listeners learn. Motivation. Attention. Retention. Speech designs (spatial, sequential, chronological, categorical, comparative, causation). Rising to the challenge of the informative speech. 15. Persuasive speaking. Nature of persuasive speaking. Work of persuasion. Process of persuasion. Awareness. Understanding. Agreement. Enactment. Integration. The challenges of persuasion. Reluctant audience. Barriers to commitment. Moving from attitude to action. Challenge of ethical persuasion. 16. Building powerful arguments. Developing evidence and proofs. Patterns of reasoning. Central concepts. Reasoning from principle. Reasoning from reality. Reasoning from parallel cases. Designs for persuasive speaking (problem-solution, motivated sequence, refutative). Avoiding defective persuasion. Defective evidence. Defective proof. Defective patterns of reasoning. Fallacies related to particular designs. 17. Ceremonial speaking. Techniques of ceremonial speaking. Identification. Magnification. Types of ceremonial speeches. Speech of tribute. Acceptance speeches. Speech of introduction. Speech of inspiration. The after-dinner speech. Master of ceremonies. Narrative design (prologue, plot, epilogue). Communicating in small groups. Speeches for analysis.

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