The mindful college student : how to succeed, boost well-being, and build the life you want at university and beyond / Eric B. Loucks


Loucks, Eric B.. Auteur

Edité par New Harbinger Publications - 2022

"The perfect gift for the college-bound student! Based on the popular Mindfulness-Based College (MBC) program at Brown University, this book offers powerful skills to increase academic success and boost mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health—now and for a lifetime. College is a time of transition. It's a time for learning and preparing to make your own way in the world. But if you're like many teens and young adults, the thought of leaving home and being on your own in a new place can also be intimidating—even overwhelming. That's why you need a solid foundation to help you manage stress, stay focused, and maintain healthy habits—in body, mind, and spirit. Grounded in evidence-based mindfulness, The Mindful College Student will help you cultivate the cognitive and emotional skills you need to increase well-being and reach your highest aspirations. You'll also learn positive coping strategies for dealing with stress, sadness, and anxiety—including diet, fitness, and sleep habits. Most importantly, you'll discover three core self-regulation skills to help steer you toward the life you want: self-awareness, attention control, and emotion regulation. Get ready to take on the world with this fun and informative guide, filled with everything you need to face all of the challenges of college life—and beyond!" (source :

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