Reinventing fire : bold business solutions for the new energy era / Amory B. Lovins and Rocky Mountain Institute


Lovins, Amory (1947-....). Auteur

Edité par Chelsea Green Publishing. White River Junction, Vt. - 2011

Defossilizing fuels. The true cost of oil addiction ; Oil and insecurity ; Coal's hidden costs ; Turning the supertanker ; Lighting the new fire ; No miracles required. Transportation : fitter vehicles, smarter use. Designing and building autos differently ; Using autos more productively ; The rest of the story : beyond automobiles ; Powering vehicles with cleaner energy ; Conclusion : better mobility at lower cost without oil. Buildings : designs for better living. Understanding today's building quagmire ; The efficiency revolution : what's profitable and what's possible ; The conundrum and the challenge ; Solving the efficiency puzzle ; Conclusion : more comfort, more productivity, less energy, stronger economics. Industry : remaking how we make things. How the industrial jungle drives U.S. energy demand ; Viewing industry through the efficiency lens ; How much more productive can industry become? ; Transforming the industrial jungle ; Conclusion : competitiveness through radical energy productivity. Electricity : repowering prosperity. Imagining the next electricity system ; Maintain : the elusiveness of "business-as-usual" ; Migrate : the conventional approach to "carbon-free" electricity ; Renew : tapping nature's inexhaustible energy sources ; Transform : a seismic shift in scale ; Four cases, one broad direction ; How do we get there from here? ; Conclusion : the path forward. Many choices, one future. Looking back from 2050 ; How can reinventing fire evolve smoothly? ; How do we seize the 2050 prize? ; Kindling the new fire.

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