Easeful death : is there a case for assisted dying? / Mary Warnock, Elisabeth Macdonald


Warnock, Mary (1924-2019). Auteur | Macdonald, Elisabeth - médecin. Auteur

Edité par Oxford University Press - 2008

La jaquette porte en plus : "Drawing on experience in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the US state of Oregon, where either assisted suicide or euthanasia have been legalized, Mary Warnock and Elisabeth Macdonald explore the philosophical, medical, and ethical views on both sides, to form an important contribution to the ongoing debate. They examine how a range of proposals would affect different members of society, from the very young to the very old, and consider too the practical decisions doctors have to make, with sensitive descriptions of the medical processes of palliative care, self-denial of food and water, and methods of assisted dying and euthanasia. Ultimately, the authors conclude that the public is ready to embrace a more compassionate approach to assisted suicide, provided it is carefully managed and monitored. The legalisation of euthanasia, they argue, will take longer, for it requires more confidence and experience than we currently have."

Fundamental principles : the nature of the dispute. Types of euthanasia. Psychiatric assisted suicide. Neonates. Incompetent adults. Human life is sacred. The slippery slope. Medical views. Four methods of easing death and their effect on doctors. Looking further ahead.

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