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Livre - 2020 - L' École nationale des chartes : deux cents ans au service de l'histoire / Jean-Charles Bédague, Michelle Bubenicek, Olivier Poncet

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Du même auteur

Marketing in the public sector : a roadmap for improved performance / Phili...

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Marketing models / Gary L. Lilien, Philip Kotler, K. Sridhhar Moorthy

Livre | Lilien, Gary L (1946-....). Auteur | 1992

Marketing management / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller et Alexander Cherne...

Livre | Kotler, Philip (1931-....). Auteur | 2022 - 16e edition

The 16th edition of Marketing Management builds on the classic examples, core concepts, and logical structure that made the first edition a landmark text. Much has changed since the 15th edition was published. Ongoing globalizatio...

Du même sujet

La RSE en schémas / Philippe Schäfer, Vincent Helfrich

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L'objectif de la collection 'La gestion en schémas' est de proposer des ouvrages facilitant la compréhension et la mémorisation des notions essentielles du cours. Chaque notion est ainsi envisagée selon deux approches juxtaposées ...

Financial accounting and reporting : a global perspective / Hervé Stolowy, ...

Livre | Stolowy, Hervé (19..-....). Auteur | 2024 - Seventh edition.

International financial management / Cheol S. Eun, Bruce G. Resnick

Livre | Eun, Cheol S.. Auteur | 2018 - 8e éd.

"International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis that will serve them well in their careers ahead. The decision-making process is presented through the text with the goal of teaching students ho...

Trailblazer : the power of business as the greatest plateform for change / ...

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The ethical consumer / [edited by] Rob Harrison, Terry Newholm, Deirdre Sha...

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