Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian ; Crystal L. Park


Edité par Guilford Press. New York - 2005

"The psychology of religion and spirituality has emerged in the last quarter-century as a vibrant and multifaceted area of scientific inquiry. From foremost authorities, this comprehensive, seamlesssly edited volume presents the breadth of current knowledge in the field. Grounded in the latest empirical research, the Handbook offers state-of-the-science perspectives on the psychological processes underlying spirituality, religious behavior, and religious experience; fosters the development of integrative theory; and identifies vital directions for future investigation." "The most complete and authoritative resource of its kind, this book belongs on the shelves of researchers and students in the psychology of religion and spirituality, religious studies, social and personality psychology, theology, and related fields. It will serve as a uniquely informative and thought-provoking text in graduate-level courses."--Jacket

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