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Du même auteur

Le management des ressources technologiques / Jacques Morin, Richard Seurat

Livre | Morin, Jacques (1926-....) - polytechnicien. Auteur | 1989

Du même sujet

Le langage et la pensée / Noam Chomsky

Livre | Chomsky, Noam (1928-.....) - linguiste. Auteur | 1969

The making of human concepts / edited by Denis Mareschal,... Paul C. Quinn,...

Livre | 2010

Intelligence unbound : the future of uploaded and machine minds / edited by...

Livre | 2014

The political theory of political thinking : the anatomy of a practice / Mi...

Livre | Freeden, Michael | 2015

This text explores systematically what it means to think 'politically'. Using detailed contemporary and historical material, and investigating both professional and 'amateur' forms of political thinking, this study challenges much...

Lateral thinking for management : a handbook / Edward de Bono

Livre | De Bono, Edward (1933-2021). Auteur | 1990

Penser la formation / Michel Fabre

Livre | Fabre, Michel (1948-....). Auteur | 1994

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