Leading project teams : the basics of project management and team leadership / Anthony T. Cobb


Cobb, Anthony T.. Auteur

Edité par SAGE. Thousand Oaks, Calif. - 2012 - 2nd ed.

Machine generated contents note: Project Fundamentals. Defining Characteristics of Projects. Projects Are Unique. Projects Are Temporary. Project Parameters. Dimensions of Project Leadership. Overview of Book. Chapters 2-5: Fundamentals of Project Initiation and Planning. Chapter 2: Determining the Direction and Initial Specifications of a Project. Chapter 3: The Work Breakdown Structure. Chapter 4: Project Scheduling. Chapter 5: Managing Project Risk. Chapters 6-8: Fundamentals of Project Leadership. Chapter 6: Developing Project Teams. Chapter 7: The Project Team's Environment. Chapter 8: Leading Project Teams. Chapter 9: Writing Project Reports. Summary. Endnotes. Key Terms. Introduction. The Baltimore Project. Chapter Overview. The Project's Mission Statement. What Is a Project Mission Statement and What Role Does It Play?. Provides Project Direction. Establishes Common Ground. Stakeholders in the Project's Mission. The Client. The Host Organization. The Project Team. End Users. Suppliers. Dealing With Stakeholders. The Baltimore Project. The Project's Objectives and Deliverables. What Are Project Objectives and Deliverables?. Roles Played by Project's Objectives and Deliverables. Helping Clients Define Their Goals. Providing Team Direction. Securing Stakeholder Agreement. The Baltimore Project. Project Parameters: Project Scope, Costs, and Timeline. Project Scope. Costs. Timeline. The Project Charter. The Project Plan. Summary. Review Questions. Exercise. Endnotes. Key Terms. Figure 2.1: Talking Points for the Meeting With Ms. Byrnes. Table 2.1: Illustration of John's Mission Statement, a Project Objective, and Its Deliverables. Table 2.2: Initiation Check-Off List. Introduction. The Compliance Project. Chapter Overview. The Work Breakdown Structure and Its Project Role. Roles Played by a WBS. Lays Out the Scope of Project Work. Provides the Foundation of All Project Estimates. Helps to Provide the Organizational Structure of the Project. Producing a WBS. Core Tasks. Support Tasks. Project Planning. Project Administration. Using the WBS. Resource, Time, and Cost Estimates. Estimating Resources. Estimating Time Requirements. Estimating Costs. Developing a Project Structure. Summary. Review Questions. Exercise. Endnotes. Key Terms. Figure 3.1: Illustration of a Work Breakdown Structure for Golden Years Compliance Project. Table 3.1: Project Costs: Illustration of One Task Cost Estimate. Table 3.2: Work Breakdown Structure Check-Off List. Introduction. Dr. Howard's Bio-Informatics Project. Chapter Overview. Project Schedules: Types and Components. Types of Project Schedules. The Gantt or Bar Chart. The Critical Path Method (CPM). The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Components of Project Schedules. Activities or Project Tasks. Dependencies. Lag and Lead Times. Milestones. The Project Network. The Critical Path. Slack or Float. How to Develop a Project Schedule: Focus, Gantt Charts. Create a Work Breakdown Structure in Outline Form. Review Time Estimates. Determine Task Dependencies. Construct the Network of Project Activities. Determine the Critical Path. Using the Output of a Project Schedule. Visualizing the Project as a Whole. Project Phases. Project Dependencies. Communication to Stakeholders. Revision of Planning Assumptions and Estimates for the Project Plan. Making Adjustments to the Plan Throughout the Project. Command and Control. Summary. Review Questions. Exercise. Endnotes. Key Terms. Figure 4.1: A Simple Bar Chart, Ordering Supplies in Dr. Howard's Bio-Informatics Project. Figure 4.2: A Gantt Chart Illustrating Dr. Howard's Bio-Informatics Project. Figure 4.3: A Simple Project Network Diagram Dr. Howard's Study. Table 4.1: Schedule Check-Off List. Introduction. The Crime Tracking Project. Chapter Overview. Good Risk Management. Sources of Risk. Risks From Project Management. Project Planning. Project Execution. Risks From the Host Organization. Organizational Support. Funding and Other Resource Support. Organizational Politics. Deliverable Risks. Technical Problems. Other Problems. External Risks. Clients and End Users. Vendors and Other Suppliers. Regulatory Problems. Market Dynamics. The Physical Environment. Looking for Risk. Risk Assessment. Qualitative Assessments of Risk. Quantitative Assessments of Risk. Risk Responses. Accept the Risk. Avoid the Risk. Reduce the Risk. Transfer the Risk. Establishing a Risk Response Plan. Dealing With Risk in Project Execution. Monitor and Respond to Risk. Review Risk Performance. Summary. Review Questions. Exercises. Endnotes. Key Terms. Figure 5.1: Overview of the Risk Management Process. Table 5.1: Risk Management Check-Off List. Introduction. The Achievement Project. Chapter Overview. What Is a Team?. What Is a Successful Team?. Successful Teams Deliver the Goods. Successful Teams Get Better. Successful Teams Are Satisfied and Committed. Fundamentals of Team Structure. Team Size. Team Composition. Team Governance. Team Identity. Team Interactions. A Common Team Mindset. Norms. Roles. Goals. Team Development. Forming. Storming. Norming. Performing. Adjourning. Summary. Review Questions. Exercises. Endnotes. Key Terms. Table 6.1: Comparison Issues for Best and Worst Teams. Introduction. The Achievement Project. Overview of Chapter. Stakeholders. Project Clients. Host Organization Management. The Project Team. External Suppliers. Internal Suppliers. Regulators. End Users and Implementers. Political Players. Developing and Using Project Networks. The Nature of Social Capital. Developing Social Capital. Summary. Review Questions. Exercises. Endnotes. Key Terms. Figure 7.1: The Social Network of Leanne Phillips's Principal Project Team. Figure 7.2: The Social Network of the Achievement Project Organization. Figure 7.3: The Social Network of the Achievement Project Organization and Its Larger Stakeholder Network. Introduction. John's Promotion. Chapter Overview. The Roles of a Project Leader. External Role Requirements. Figurehead and Spokesperson. Liaison and Monitor. Champion and Negotiator. Controller. Internal Role Requirements. Planner and Resource Allocator. Coordinator. Problem Solver. Team Leader. Clarifying the Leadership Role. Project Leadership and the Project's Life Cycle. The Early Stages: Initiation and Planning. Project Launch. Project Execution. The Project Team. External Stakeholders. Project Closing. Project Leadership and Individual Project Members. Summary. Review Questions. Exercises. Endnotes. Key Terms. Sidebar: Conducting Project Meetings. Introduction. The China Report. Chapter Overview. Know Your Readers and What They Want. What Any Reader Wants. What Decision Makers Want. What Expert Advisors Want. What Implementers Want. The Project Report. The Front End. The Cover Page. The Letter of Transmittal. The Table of Contents. Lists of Tables and Illustrations. The Executive Summary. The Body. The Introduction. Major Sections and Subsections of the Report. Conclusions and Recommendations. References. The Back End: Supporting Appendices. Summary. Review Questions. Exercises. Endnotes. Key Terms. Table 9.1: Project Report Check-Off List.

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