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Du même sujet

Brexit and competition law / Barry Rodger and Andreas Stephan

Livre | Rodger, Barry J.. Auteur | 2022

This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the immediate and likely longer-term consequences of Brexit for the UK’s competition law regime and includes the competition and subsidy control provisions of the EU-UK Trade ...

The collaborative economy and EU law / Vassilis Hatzopoulos

Livre | Hatzopoulos, Vassilis. Auteur | 2018

Présentation de l'éditeur : "'Disruptive innovation', 'the fourth industrial revolution', 'one of the ten ideas that will change the world'; the collaborative/sharing economy is shaking existing norms. It poses unprecedented cha...

New technologies and EU law / edited by Marise Cremona

Livre | 2017

What is the nature of the relationship between the fields of new technology and EU law? What challenges do new technologies pose for the internal market and the fundamental principles of the EU? The first part of the collection ex...

Commercial and economic law in the European Union / Jules Stuyck

Livre | Stuyck, Jules. Auteur | 2019 - 2nd edition

La 4ème de couv. indique : "Derived from the renowned multi-volume 'International Encyclopaedia of Laws', this practical analysis of the law covering merchants? status and obligations ? including the laws governing state interven...

Intellectual property and competition law : the innovation nexus / by Gusta...

Livre | Ghidini, Gustavo (1941-....). Auteur | 2006

Language rights and the law in the European Union / Eduardo D. Faingold

Livre | Faingold, Eduardo D. (19..-) - linguiste. Auteur | 2020

"This book examines the language policies relating to linguistic rights in European Union law and in the constitutions and legal statutes of some European Union member states. In recent years, the European Union has seen an increa...

Du même domaine

Droit des obligations : 2022 / Stéphanie Porchy-Simon,...

Livre | Porchy-Simon, Stéphanie (1969-....) - juriste. Auteur | 2021 - 14e édition

La 4e de couverture indique : "De l'achat d'un billet de train à l'acquisition d'un bien immobilier, le droit des obligations est au coeur des préoccupations humaines : il régit l'ensemble des contrats que passent quotidienneme...

Droit administratif : licence 2 : le principe de légalité : sources et limi...

Livre | Pollet, Delphine (1977-....). Directeur de publication | 2023 - [2023-2024]

Droit de la concurrence : droit interne et droit de l'Union européenne / An...

Livre | Decocq, André (1932-2019). Auteur | 2021 - 9e édition

Les grands arrêts de la jurisprudence administrative / Marceau Long,... Pro...

Livre | Long, Marceau (1926-2016). Auteur | 2023 - 24e édition

Code général des impôts : annoté / [France]

Livre | Zaquin, Gérard. Auteur du commentaire | 2023 - [2023]

Cent ans de vie associative / Jean-Michel Belorgey

Livre | Belorgey, Jean-Michel (1944-....). Auteur | 2000

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