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Justice and the human genome project / Timothy F. Murphy and Marc Lappé, ed...

Livre | 1994

The genome project and the meaning of difference / Timothy F. Murphy. Eugenics and the human genome project : is the past prologue? / Daniel J. Kevles. Handle with care : race, class, and genetics / Arthur L. Caplan. Public choice...

The Human Genome Project and the future of health care / edited by Thomas H...

Livre | 1996

This book examines how the Human Genome Project will reshape American health care. Leading scholars explore the clinical, ethical, legal, and policy implications of the Genome Project to see how it may affect the forms of health c...

Genetics, ethics, and human values : international guidelines : proceedings...

Livre | Bańkowski, Zbigniew. Directeur de publication | 1993

Genetics and reductionism / Sahotra Sarkar

Livre | Sarkar, Sahotra (1961-....). Auteur | 1998

Genetics, ethics, and human values : human genome mapping, genetic screenin...

Livre | Bańkowski, Zbigniew. Directeur de publication | 1991

Tout le PASS en QCM et exercices : tout le tronc commun du parcours accès s...

Livre | Fredon, Daniel (1944-....). Directeur de publication | 2023 - 2023-2024

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