Naturalized bioethics : toward responsible knowing and practice / edited by Hilde Lindemann,... Marian Verkerk..., Margaret Urban Walker,...


Edité par Cambridge University Press - 2009

Naturalized Bioethics represents a revolutionary change in how health care ethics is practiced. It calls for bioethicists to give up their dependence on utilitarianism and other ideal moral theories and instead to move toward a self-reflexive, socially inquisitive, politically critical, and inclusive ethics

Introduction: Groningen naturalism in bioethics / Margaret Urban Walker. Moral bodies: epistemologies of embodiment / Jackie Leach Scully. Choosing surgical birth: desire and the nature of bioethical advice / Raymond G. DeVries, Lisa Kane Low, and Elizabeth (Libby) Bogdan-Lovis. Holding on to Edmund: the relational work of identity / Hilde Lindemann. Caring, minimal autonomy, and the limits of liberalism / Agnieszka Jaworska. Narrative, complexity, and context: autonomy as an epistemic value / Naomi Scheman. Toward a naturalized narrative bioethics / Tod Chambers. Motivating health: empathy and the normative activity of coping / Jodi Halpern and Margaret Olivia Little. Economies of hope in a period of transition: parents in the time leading up to their child's liver transplantation / Mare Knibbe and Marian Verkerk. Consent as a grant of authority: a care ethics reading of informed consent / Joan C. Tronto. Professional loving care and the bearable heaviness of being / Annelies van Heijst. Ideal theory bioethics and the exclusion of people with severe cognitive disabilities / Eva Feder Kittay. Epilogue: naturalized bioethics in practice / Marian Verkerk and Hilde Lindemann.

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Livre - 2009 - Naturalized bioethics : toward responsible knowing and practice / edited by Hilde Lindemann,... Marian Verkerk..., Margaret Urban Walker,...

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