The philosophy of palliative care : critique and reconstruction / Fiona Randall,..., R.S. Downie, ..


Randall, Fiona. Auteur

Edité par Oxford University Press - 2006

"Using the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine Third Edition as their basic reference, Randall and Downie present their argument that the palliative care approach has become too busy and over-professionalised, and that it therefore has significant weaknesses. They examine the framework of the specialty - quality of life, autonomy, dignity, patient-centredness, and the priority assigned to relatives in the remit of care - and the moral problems associated with implementing such a philosophy. The resource implications of various health care policies are also discussed in relation to the WHO definition."--[Jaquette]

Roots, traditions, and philosophy. Quality of life. Autonomy, dignity, respect, and the patient centred approach. Relatives. Control of symptoms and prolongation of life. Resuscitation and advance statements. Assessment and treatment of psychosocial and spiritual problems. Resource allocation. Critique and reconstruction : some suggestions for a better way.

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