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Business law / James Marson & Katy Ferris
Edité par Oxford university press - 2015 - 4th edition
La 4e de couverture indique : "Marson and Ferris' Business Law demonstrates the real applicability of the law to the business world, packed full of up-to-date and relevant examples and case law. Designed for non-lawyers, Business Law is written in a clear and easy-to-follow style which avoids excessive legal terminology and presents the need-to-know facts and cases. Would-be entrepreneurs and those looking to a career in management will find that this book provides the solid base needed to make confident business decisions in the future. Fully referenced throughout and with an accompanying Online Resource Centre, Business Law combines accurate legal detail with strong learning tools such as self-test questions, chapter summaries and key definitions, helping students successfully navigate their way through this often complex subject."
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