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Vieillir chez soi ou en maison de retraite... : impact du lieu de vie sur la dynamique socio-personnelle : estime de soi, stress, coping, événements de vie et soutien social / [présentée par]Laurencine Piquemal-Vieu
Edité par Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses - 2004
The considerable social and economic changes taking place in the 20th century have modified the ageing process. The fact that older generations no longer cohabit with their children and the rise in female employment have weakened family ties, with state welfare systems taking over. Old people are increasingly having to face old age alone, eitheir in their own home or in an institution, whereas they themselves accompanied their parents in growing old. Our study analyses the psychological and social effects on the aged, already faced with other losses of being placed in an old people's home. We studied the impact of place of residence on self-esteem, on the perception of daily life events and on the support available in time of need. Theses variables were related to the amount of stress generated ant on the coping strategies used to deal with it. Our sample consisted of 110 old people: 55 living at home and 55 in institutions. The impact of place of residence is evaluated using a series of scales (self-esteem, positive and negative events, stress abiblity to cope) and a questionnaire on support networks. Some of the results obtained confirmed our hypotheses: in old people's homes levels of self-esteem and enjoyment were lower, with wider use of passive coping strategies. However, place of residence was not a determining factor for overall stress levels, whilst tension related to state of health was greater in institutions, against a higher level of time-related tension in the home. Our results showed how a positive self-image in old age can favourably affect the psychophysiological impact of stress factors on the management of stress, the emotions and the support system. Furthermore, place of residence cannot alone explain the differences observed since two social and biological varaibles play at the beneficial role in enabling subjects to maintain a sense of identity and adapt to old age: the fact that responsabiblities have been taken throughout life and that no anti-depressant medication is taken.