Introductory mathematical analysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences / Ernest F. Haeussler Jr, Richard S. Paul, Richard J. Wood


Haeussler, Ernest F., Jr.. Auteur | Paul, Richard S.. Auteur | Wood, Richard J.. Auteur

Edité par Pearson Education - 2022 - 14e édition. Global edition.

"Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life andSocial Sciences provides a mathematical foundation for students in avariety of fields and majors. The authors establish an emphasis on algebraiccalculations that sets this text apart from other introductory, appliedmathematics books. Because the process of calculating variables builds skillsin mathematical modeling, this emphasis paves the way for students to solvereal-world problems that use calculus. The book’s comprehensivestructure―covering college algebra in Chapters 0 through 4, finite mathematicsin Chapters 5 through 9, and calculus in Chapters 10 through 17―offersinstructors flexibility in how they use the material based on the coursethey’re teaching, the semester they’re at, or what the students’ backgroundallows and their needs dictate." (source :

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