An introduction to the Old Testament : sacred texts and imperial contexts of the Hebrew Bible / David M. Carr


Carr, David McLain (1961-....). Auteur

Edité par Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester (West Sussex, U.K.), Malden (Mass.) - 2010

Prologue: Orientation to multiple bibles and multiple translations. Studying the Bible in its ancient context(s). The emergence of ancient Israel and its first oral traditions. The emergence of the monarchy and royal and Zion texts. Echoes of past empires in biblical wisdom, love poetry, law, and narrative. Narrative and prophecy amidst the rise and fall of the Northern Kingdom. Micah, Isaiah, and the southern prophetic encounter with Assyria. Torah and history in the wake of the Assyrian Empire. Prophecy in the transition from Assyrian to Babylonian domination. Laments, history, and prophecies after the destruction of Jerusalem. The Pentateuch and the exile. The Torah, the Psalms, and the Persian-sponsored rebuilding of Judah. Other texts formed in the crucible of post-exilic rebuilding. Hellenistic empires and the formation of the Hebrew Bible.

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