Organic pig and poultry production: what are the animal welfare challenges?

Archive ouverte : Communication dans un congrès

Bonnefous, Claire | Collin, Anne | Niemi, Jarkko | Väre, Minna | Parrott, Patricia | Walley, Keith | Re, Martina | Ponzio, Raffaella | Bas Rodenburg, T | Tallet, Céline | Merlot, Elodie | Leterrier, Christine | Montagne, Lucile | Faure, Justine | Guilloteau, Laurence, | Guesdon, Vanessa | Leruste, Hélène | Delanoue, Elsa | Alibert, Laurent | Roinsard, Antoine | Warin, Laura

Edité par HAL CCSD

International audience. Although organic animal production is based on farming systems that enable a high degree of expression of natural behaviour by the animals, there are still some welfare challenges in such systems. Our study provides a state of the art of practices that could improve animal welfare in organic productions and interviews with key informants have been conducted to identify gaps and opportunities for animal welfare. This study provides a shortlist of practices that could be used to improve animal welfare while taking into account farmer wellbeing and sustainability and so contributing to “One Welfare”.

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