Clustering Study in order to Analyse Wi-fi Communications Affected by Low Power Jamming Attacks

Archive ouverte : Communication dans un congrès

Villain, Jonathan | Deniau, Virginie | Gransart, Christophe | Simon, Eric, | Fleury, Anthony

Edité par HAL CCSD

International audience

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Détection d'attaques par signal de brouillage et identification de son éloi...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Villain, Jonathan | 2021-04-13

CEM 2020, 20ème Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique, Lyon, FRANCE, 13-/04/2021 - 15/04/2021. International audience. Les réseaux sans fil Wi-Fi sont aujourd'hui dans tous...

Detection and Classification of Interference affecting LoRaWAN communicatio...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Villain, Jonathan | 2022-05-30

International audience. The French national railway company (SNCF) is deploying Internet of Things (IoT) technologies using the LoRaWAN communication protocol to centralize and transmit the data measured by the onbo...

Characterization of IEEE 802.11 communications and detection of low power j...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Villain, Jonathan | 2022-03

International audience. Wireless connections are more and more used in different applications and in public areas for services to consumers but also for handling (sometimes) sensitive communications (for instance in...

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Reading History of Science as a Physics and Mathematics Framework for Newto...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Pisano, Raffaele | 2017-04-19

International audience

On Mechanics and Thermodynamics Analogies in History of Physics-Mathematics...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Pisano, Raffaele | 2017-05-12

International audience

On the epistemic interplay between physics and mathematics such as a dynami...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Pisano, Raffaele | 2017-06-12

International audience

Further investigation of convolutional neural networks applied in computati...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Gong, Ruohan | 2022-04-07

International audience. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have shown great potentials and have been proven to be an effective tool for some image-based deep learning tasks in the field of computational electromagn...

Effet de l'angle de charge sur les harmoniques d'efforts magnétiques dans l...

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Le Besnerais, Jean | 2016-06-07

International audience. Cet article étudie l'effet de l'angle de charge sur les efforts harmoniques de Maxwell (tangentiels et radiaux) et les bruits et vibrations d'origine magnétique dans deux machines synchrones ...