Soil invertebrate functional traits as indicators for metal contamination

Archive ouverte : Poster de conférence

Pernin, Céline | Grumiaux, Fabien | Nahmani, Johanne | Salmon, Sandrine | Demuynck, Sylvain | Gondry, B. | Lamy, Isabelle | van Oort, Folkert, | Pey, Benjamin | Hedde, Mickael

Edité par HAL CCSD

International audience

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Current use of and future needs for soil invertebrate functional traits in ...

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International audience. Soil invertebrates are assumed to play a major role in ecosystem dynamics, since they are involved in soil functioning. Functional traits represent one of the main opportunities to bring new ...

BETSI, a complete framework for studying soil invertebrate functional trait...

Archive ouverte: Poster de conférence

Hedde, Mickael | 2012-08-06

BETSI, a complete framework for studying soil invertebrate functional traits. XVI ICSZ - International Colloquium on Soil Zoology

A thesaurus for soil invertebrate trait-based approaches

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Pey, Benjamin | 2014-10-10

International audience. Soil invertebrates are known to be much involved in soil behaviour and therefore in the provision of ecosystem services. Functional trait-based approaches are methodologies which can be used ...

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From bioreactor to entire plants: development of production systems for sec...

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International audience. The production of secondary metabolites, and more specifically alkaloids, from medicinal plants is still an important objective for many research programs. When natural lead compounds have be...

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