Effect of Rotor Bar Number on Performance of Five-Phase Induction Machine for Traction

Archive ouverte : Communication dans un congrès

Mekahlia, Abdelhak | Semail, Eric | Scuiller, Franck | Hamiti, Tahar | Benlamine, Raouf

Edité par HAL CCSD

International audience. The paper investigates the effect of the bar number on the performances of a five-phase squirrel-cage induction machine with fractional-slot tooth concentrated winding. With a same stator, five different rotor bar numbers are chosen and the rotor magnetic circuits are designed using an analytical approach. Then, a finite-element analysis is done under two different supply conditions: fundamental currents and third harmonic currents. Finally regarding the used winding specificities the possibility of second harmonic current supply is evaluated. The results are presented in a comparative way in order to determine the impact of rotor bar number on torque quality for the different supply modes.

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