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Phases of Globalization, Wages and Inequality

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Hellier, Joël | 2019-11

International audience. To analyse the globalization-wages-inequality relationship, we extend the North-South Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) model by assuming (i) that the size of the South (emerging countries) inc...

Social mobility at the top and the higher education system

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Brezis, Elise | 2018-03

International audience

Offshoring and labour market reforms in Germany: Assessment and policy impl...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Beissinger, Thomas | 2016-02

International audience. Starting from the diagnosis that Germany has had better economic outcomes than most advanced countries since the mid-2000s, we propose a general equilibrium model to answer the following two ...

Du même sujet

Ethics and cancer: main theme in human and social sciences in a first-degre...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Aiguier, G. | 2013-06-15

International audience

Reinventing science and technology entrepreneurship education: The role of ...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Yami, Saïd | 2021-03

International audience

« Conciliation vie privée vie professionnelle » : plusieurs termes pour une...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Verstaevel, N. | 2020-12-31

New indices to characterize drawing behavior in humans (Homo sapiens) and c...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Martinet, Lison | 2021

International audience

Combating climate change and controlling energy demand: introduction to the...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Aubrée, Loïc | 2017-07-28

International audience

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