International marketing and export management / Gerald Albaum,...Edwin Duerr,... Alexander Josiassen,...


Albaum, Gerald. Auteur | Duerr, Edwin. Auteur | Josiassen, Alexander. Auteur

Edité par Pearson - 2016 - Eighth edition

"International Marketing and Export Management 8e offers an accessible state-of-the-art text in international marketing. The book covers the evolving internationally competitive landscape that almost all firms and consumers find themselves acting in today. Consumers because they often make consumption choices where there are international options, and firms because they either compete internationally or have international competitors in their domestic market. The eighth edition retains its clear and comprehensive coverage of the opportunities for companies of all sizes and in all industries in the export of goods, services, intellectual property and business models. Written in a no-nonsense style, the book has been updated to offer the most up-to-date discussion of the literature in the area. Key features include: - A thorough outline of the international environment that firms and consumers find themselves in. - In terms of critical literature this text makes extensive use of truly international marketing theories and models, rather than merely using generic marketing theories and models in an international context. - Comprehensive coverage of international consumer behaviour such as country-of-origin theories and models. - Increased coverage of the service sector. - Greater emphasis on corporate social responsibility and ethics. - The book is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in International Marketing, Export Marketing, International Trade or International Business."

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