Employee relations in context / David Farnham


Farnham, David

Edité par Institute of Personnel and Development. London - 2000 - 2nd ed.

This volume analyses the issues surrounding employment today and explores the challenges that lie at the heart of the workplace. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated

Pt. 1. Institutions and Background. 1. An Overview of Employee Relations. 2. The Parties in Employee Relations. 3. Processes of Employee Relations. 4. Economic and Legal Policy. 5. The Changing Contexts of Employee Relations / Sylvia Horton. Pt. 2. Employee Relations in Practice. 6. Non-Union Firms, Employee Involvement and Communications at Work. 7. Collective Bargaining and Joint Consultation. 8. Management and Trade Unions. 9. Public Policy and the European Social Dimension. 10. Collective industrial action. 11. The Skills of Employee Relations / Stephen Pilbeam and Marjorie Corbridge.

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